Heal Yourself

Tera Mai™ Reiki Level 1 Golden Elemental Earth Healing Energy and Golden Cosmic Energy is a journey of self discovery, self transformation and self healing. When you embark on this journey, it can help your system heal from trauma, anxiety, depression and deep rooted health problems. It is a journey for life.

Imagine how you would feel if in any given situation of overwhelming and anxious thoughts, you could instantly calm your mind, body and soul. Being attuned to the Tera Mai™ Reiki Level 1 energy will allow you to be able to do this. It’s a hands on self healing technique that will enable you to start the journey of healing yourself. 

Tera Mai™ Reiki Level 1 connects the student to the Golden Elemental Earth Healing Energy and the Golden Cosmic Energy.

On day 1 you will learn how to connect to the energy, channel the energy and the hands on healing positions, which will be practiced on another student.  

On day 2 you will receive your initiation to the Tera Mai™Reiki Level 1 energy.

On day 3 you will be attuned to the ancient order of Melchizedek. This initiation helps to ground the healing energy, holds the space for the healing to be performed and strengthens the foundation of the energy and connection. This ancient sacred initiation connects the Tera Mai™Reiki to the divine plan for the Earth. 

On day 4 we will learn the emotional healing technique and clearing of energies.

On receiving the Tera Mai™ Initiation you will embark on a 21 day self cleansing and self healing journey and this will allow the energy to flow through you.  

Through the wisdom and teachings of Tera Mai™Reiki you will learn;

The History of Tera Mai™Reiki

★The anatomy

★Intuition and reading energy

★The auras and chakra system

★Client treatment and understanding the healing positions, keeping and recording client information

★Laying on of hands and the positions 

★Self healing

★Initiation and certification of Tera Mai™ Reiki Level 1

At Level 1 you are not able to work on clients, but you can use the healing positions and techniques you have learnt to self heal and help friends and animals to heal.

Next course: Tuesday 1st/8th/22nd & 29th April 2025

Full Investment £445.00

NOTE: to keep the energy in its purest form previous initiations to other Reiki lineages will have to be cleared prior to the Tera Mai™ Initiation. Prior to taking the Tera Mai™ Reiki Level 1 Emma will speak with you and meet you to carry out a Tera Mai™ Reiki treatment and discuss your lifestyle and interest into the Tera Mai™Reiki initiation.


Coming soon….

Pendulum and Space Clearing Workshop £75 - x 3 hours

The pendulum workshop allows the Tera Mai Reiki Level 1 student to use the pendulum as a tool for guidance.

Key learning includes:

★ The history of pendulums

★How they work

★Selecting a pendulum

★Sensing the aura with a pendulum

★Sensing the chakras with a pendulum

★Answering questions with your pendulum

★Selecting crystals for you and other people

★Simple healing

★ Boasting energy with a pendulum.

★Developing your intuition with a pendulum

★How to clear your space energetically

★What to use

★How do you know when a space needs clearing

★Tools to clear a space



Emma always leaves me in a better place. I recently spent two sessions with her exploring intuition with an amazing group of women and it was truely magical. Emma is a wonderful host, puts so much thought into the surroundings and added touches and most importantly she holds a safe space where you can lean into vulnerability and yourself. Time spent with Em is time you will never regret. It truly is a Soul star Sanctuary.

- Emma Jefferys